Mental & Physical Benefits of Quitting Smoking and its Effects

Why You Should Consider Quitting Smoking?

Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy. I’m your pharmacist, Paul White. We’re glad you joined us. Before we begin, I’d like to thank our sponsors, Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and Liquidations.

Today Brad White and I are broadcasting from our administrative offices and our guest is Ashley Everetts, Pulmonary Rehabilitation Lead, Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation at Aultman Deuble Heart and Vascular Hospital.

Are you considering quitting smoking, or is there someone in your life that you want to help quit smoking?  When someone takes the big step of deciding to quit smoking, family, friends, and co-workers can make a huge difference by giving their help and support.

If your friend isn't quite ready to quit, try to see it from their side. For most smokers, cigarettes have been a steady companion for a long time. Some reluctance is normal, and it doesn't mean your friend won't be able to quit for good. First, let your friend know you understand their doubts, then suggest they list their reasons for quitting. 

Quitting smoking is a journey and a process, not a single event.  Access resources to get tips on what you can do from the start to help someone quit and to help them “stay quit.”  Plan on being there for the long run and helping them meet the challenges along the way. 

This morning we will talk with Ashley about the reasons to quit smoking, managing the mental and physical effects of quitting smoking, and most importantly, how to receive help and support through the process.

We’d like to remind our listeners that today’s program is also available on our podcast which can be downloaded from the app store on your mobile phone. Look for Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy and you can listen to any of our programs, anytime.


Also, Listen to the Episode on your Favorite Podcast Platform


Tune in to learn more about the mental & physical effects of quitting smoking and most importantly:

  • How many people are affected by tobacco-related illnesses?

  • How does smoking affect our appearance, especially as we age?

  • What are some common myths or misconceptions about cigarettes, smoking, and quitting?

  • On average, how many times does a smoker try to quit, and why is it so difficult?

  • Is there a safe number of cigarettes to smoke?

  • What can replace cigarettes?

  • Are e-cigarettes a safe alternative?

  • What are common withdrawal symptoms and how are they managed?

  • Is it better to quit alone, or with the help of a cessation support group?

  • How successful is a cold turkey quit?

  • How do you manage the cravings while you are quitting?

  • How can I support a friend or family member who is trying to quit?

  • What does the Give It UP program involve?

  • How can people sign up for the give it up program?

  • When and where are the classes?

  • What are the benefits of quitting tobacco products?

  • How quickly will someone begin to experience the benefits of quitting tobacco?

Thank you to our guest, Ashley Everetts, Pulmonary Rehabilitation Lead, Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation at Aultman Deuble Heart and Vascular Hospital. We would like to remind our listeners, if you suspect you have a medical issue, please contact your health care provider. Thanks to our sponsors Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and LIquidations. As always, we thank our listeners for joining us on Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy.

Have a healthy week and we’ll see you again next Friday right here on News Talk 1480 WHBC.

FDA-Approved White’s Premium Vitamins and Supplements

Compassionate Care for Women's Health of all ages

Gynecologic and Obstetrical Care as well as Aesthetic Medicine and BHRT

Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy. I’m your pharmacist, Paul White. We’re glad you joined us. Before we begin, I’d like to thank our sponsors, Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and Liquidations.

Today Brad White and I are broadcasting from our administrative offices and our guest is Dr. Nick Sherock, with MyOB/GYN and Your Best Kept Secret Aesthetics

Dr. Nicholas Sherock has been providing compassionate medical care to women since 1994. Having completed his Doctor of Osteopathy degree from Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1989, Dr. Sherock then went on to do a one-year general osteopathic internship at Doctors' Hospital of Stark County. His residency in obstetrics and gynecology was earned from 1990 through 1994.

Upon completing his residency, Dr Sherock entered into practice in Canton, OH with Atrium OB/GYN where he was a partner for 15 years.  He decided to transition to solo practice in Orrville, OH in October 2010.  In the early part of 2015, Dr. Sherock, along with Richele Thompson, CNP, CNM formed my OB/GYN. Today he has offices in Massillon and Orrville and employs a second midwife, Olivia Brewer, as well as three nurse practitioners, Kari Akers, Megan Ledbetter, and Taylor Kettering. MyOB/GYN has offices in both Massillon and Orrville.

Dr. Sherock offers routine gynecologic and obstetrical care as well as expertise in aesthetic medicine. His open-minded approach offers everything from Botox® to water births. He has developed an excellent reputation for minimally invasive surgery and is sought out for single-incision laparoscopic hysterectomies, as well as other minimally invasive options. He is open to complementary medical therapies and often combines traditional and alternative choices for many of his eligible patients.

We’d like to remind our listeners that today’s program is also available on our podcast which can be downloaded from the app store on your mobile phone. Look for Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy and you can listen to any of our programs, anytime.


Also, Listen to the Episode on your Favorite Podcast Platform


Tune in to learn more about Gynecologic and Obstetrical Care as well as Aesthetic Medicine and Bioidentical Hormone Replacement therapy:

  • What do aesthetic procedures do?

  • How did decide to do aesthetics in addition to OB/GYN?

  • What does an OB/GYN physician do?

  • What is the bioidentical hormone?

  • What is hormone optimization?

  • Do men go to see a gynecologist?

  • What are the Women’s Health Initiative findings?

  • How did it impact healthcare for women in regard to hormones?

  • How did it impact providers’ and medical institutions’ views on hormones?

  • Are “bioidentical hormones really “natural hormones”?

  • How have views on hormones changed over time?

  • What is the difference between bioidentical hormones and hormones that are commercially available?

  • Why do order medications from compounding pharmacies?

  • What are the differences between compounding pharmacies and traditional pharmacies?

  • Is there anything new in the world of gynecology?

  • What is a vNOTES procedure?

  • Why would do surgery that way?

  • What is the benefit to the patient?

  • What is the best way for new patients to get in touch with your practice?

Thank you to our guest, Dr. Nick Sherock, with My OB GYN and Your Best Kept Secret Aesthetics. We would like to remind our listeners, if you suspect you have a medical issue, please contact your health care provider. Thanks to our sponsors Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and LIquidations. As always, we thank our listeners for joining us on Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy.

Have a healthy week and we’ll see you again next Friday right here on News Talk 1480 WHBC.

FDA-Approved White’s Premium Vitamins and Supplements


How to Raise Mental Health Awareness in 2023?

Stark County Mental Health and Addiction Recovery

Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy. I’m your pharmacist, Paul White. We’re glad you joined us. Before we begin, I’d like to thank our sponsors, Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and Liquidations.

Today, Brad White and I are broadcasting from our administrative offices and our guests are Elena Aslanides (As-lan-EE-deez)-Kandis, Suicide, and Community Response Coordinator, and Justina Gorman, Coalition & Community Development Coordinator, both with Stark County Mental Health and Addiction Recovery Board.

Mental Health Awareness Month has been observed in the U.S. since 1949. Every year during the month of May our goal is to raise awareness about mental health. It’s an opportunity for all of us to come together and remember the inherent value we each hold — no matter our diagnosis, appearance, socioeconomic status, background, or ability. We want every person out there to know that if all you did was wake up today, that’s more than enough. No matter what, you are inherently worthy of more than enough life, love, and healing. Showing up, just as you are, for yourself and the people around you is more than enough.

we are happy to share this time with Elena and Justina from Stark County Mental Health and Addiction Recovery, a multi-faceted county behavioral health board comprised of expert professionals, dedicated volunteers, and concerned community leaders.  Stark County Mental Health & Addiction Recovery believes in hope, wellness, and recovery for everyone.

We’d like to remind our listeners that today’s program is also available on our podcast. Look for Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy in your favorite podcast app and please subscribe.

Also, Listen to the Episode on your Favorite Podcast Platform

Tune in to learn more about how to Raise Mental Health Awareness:

  • What’s another key component of the Safe Home concept?

  • What about the warning signs for suicide?

  • How can we talk to our children and help them to be aware of Suicide?

  • What do mean by substances?

  • How can we do helping to prevent suicide by paying attention to things in our homes.?

  • What do mean by Letha?

  • How do define “TIME” and “DISTANCE”?

  • Are firearms responsible for a large number of suicides?

  • In terms of the Safe Home concept, what are the safest ways to store a gun?

  • How do we identify when someone’s going through something?

  • Sports Betting is newly legal in Ohio. Is that a new concern?

Thank you to our guests, Elena Aslanides (As-lan-EE-deez)-Kandis, Suicide and Community Response Coordinator and Justina Gorman, Coalition & Community Development Coordinator, both with Stark County Mental Health and Addiction Recovery Board. We would like to remind our listeners, if you suspect you have a medical issue, please contact your health care provider. Thanks to our sponsors Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and LIquidations. As always, we thank our listeners for joining us on Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy.

Have a healthy week and we’ll see you again next Friday right here on News Talk 1480 WHBC.

FDA-Approved White’s Premium Vitamins and Supplements


Rehabilitation Therapy For Individuals With Parkinson’s Disease And Other Neurological Conditions

Benefits of Exercise and Physical Therapy

Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy. I’m your pharmacist, Paul White. We’re glad you joined us. Before we begin, I’d like to thank our sponsors, Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and Liquidations.

Today Brad White and I are broadcasting from our administrative offices and our guests are Chad Gooding, Physical Therapist with Aultman Physical Therapy, and Paula Adams with the Central Stark County YMCA.

Parkinson’s disease affects more than one million people in the United States. Aultman Physical Therapy and the YMCA work together to provide rehabilitation therapy for individuals with Parkinson’s Disease and other neurological conditions.  Specifically, they work with individuals with Parkinson’s Disease to help them use their body more normally and overcome or manage some of the symptoms associated with Parkinson's Disease.  This morning we will learn more about Parkinson’s Disease but also talk specifically about the therapy and exercise programs specifically developed to help people with Parkinson’s or other neurological conditions.

We’d like to remind our listeners that today’s program is also available on our podcast which can be downloaded from the app store on your mobile phone. Look for Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy and you can listen to any of our programs, anytime.


Also, Listen to the Episode on your Favorite Podcast Platform


Tune in to Learn More About the Parkinsons or other Neurological Conditions:

  • What is Parkinson’s Disease?

  • What are the symptoms of PD?

  • What are the stages of PD?

  • Traditionally how has PD been treated?

  • How does rehabilitation therapy help PD?

  • What is LSVT?

  • What is the goal of LSVT Big and Loud?

  • What makes LSVT unique?

  • Where can someone with Parkinson’s safely exercise?

  • Does someone with tremor disorders also benefit from the class?

  • What does the class consist of as it pertains to Parkinson’s?

  • What benefits can participants expect to gain from the class?

  • Who are the instructors for the class?

  • What about the physical aspects and mental aspects for improvement?

  • Why does the YMCA feel this is an important class to be offered at no cost?

  • Where are the locations for the YMCA Parkinson’s class?

  • Where can someone receive LSVT Therapy Services?

Thank you to our guests, Chad Gooding, Physical Therapist with Aultman Physical Therapy, and Paula Adams with the Central Stark County YMCA. We would like to remind our listeners, if you suspect you have a medical issue, please contact your health care provider.Thanks to our sponsors Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and LIquidations. As always, we thank our listeners for joining us on Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy.

Have a healthy week and we’ll see you again next Friday right here on News Talk 1480 WHBC.

FDA-Approved White’s Premium Vitamins and Supplements


Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

Vitality Med Practice & Wellness Solutions of Community Health Nursing

Welcome to Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy. I’m your pharmacist, Paul White. We’re glad you joined us. Before we begin, I’d like to thank our sponsors, Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and Liquidations.

Today Brad and I are broadcasting from our administrative offices and our guest is Marna Revlock, Certified Nurse Practitioner at Vitality Med and Professor of Community Health Nursing at Kent State Stark Campus.

Do you remember a time when you had abundant energy and felt vibrant?  When you slept well, you didn’t need caffeine, you were able to consume foods that didn’t result in weight gain.  If you did gain weight you could make some easy adjustments and lose it fast.  As we age, things change.

Perhaps you are struggling to recall words easily or you are wishing you were experiencing that passionate spark with your spouse or loved one.  Are you wondering what happened?

The Mayo Clinic has published studies that show changes in hormone levels and metabolism as we age. When you were younger, hormones like thyroid, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and pregnenolone were produced in abundance and in balance, but aging and stress can deplete many of the hormones that kept your body young, healthy, and strong.  The good news is that they can be replaced with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT).  Bioidentical hormones are not magic, they do not cure all diseases, but they can restore your body to a healthier place, similar to when you were younger. This morning we will talk with Marna about BHRT and the services offered at Vitality Med

We’d like to remind our listeners that today’s program is also available on our podcast. Look for Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy in your favorite podcast asp and please subscribe.

Also, Listen to the Episode on your Favorite Podcast Platform

Tune in to Learn More About the BHRT and the Services Offered at Vitality Med:

  • Why is hormone replacement therapy controversial?

  • What did we learn as result of the Women’s Health Initiative study that was halted in 2002?

  • What is the difference between the bioidentical hormones as opposed to the commercially made hormones?

  • What does the research currently say about hormone replacement?

  • What type of symptoms do people experience throughout their life that might indicate a hormone imbalance?

  • Why is it important to maintain hormone balance as you age?

  • What are the benefits of bioidentical hormones during menopause?

  • Do men go through menopause?

  • When should be hormones is tested?

  • Is hormone testing just for women, or does hormone imbalance also affect men?

  • What type of patient would benefit from hormone replacement?

  • How do you arrive at choosing a therapy and a dosage level for a patient?

  • What methods do you use to monitor patient progress and customize the therapy to meet the individual needs of each patient?

  • Do you only focus on drug therapy, or do you incorporate other tools in your wellness approach?

  • How is Vitality Med different than a traditional doctors office?

Thank you to our guest Marna Revlock Certified Nurse Practitioner at Vitality Med and Professor of Community Health Nursing at Kent State Stark Campus. We would like to remind our listeners, if you suspect you have a medical issue, please contact your healthcare provider. Thanks to our sponsors Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and LIquidations. As always, we thank our listeners for joining us on Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy.

Have a healthy week and we’ll see you again next Friday right here on News Talk 1480 WHBC.

FDA-Approved White’s Premium Vitamins and Supplements


Yanke Bionics - Comprehensive Pedorthic Patient Care
Roger Marzano Vice President of Clinic Services Certified in Prosthetists Orthotists managing comprehensive Pedorthic Patient Care blog

The Services Offered at Yanke Bionics

Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy. I’m your pharmacist, Paul White. We’re glad you joined us. Before we begin, I’d like to thank our sponsors, Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and Liquidations.

Today Brad and I are broadcasting from our administrative offices and our guest is Roger Marzano, Vice President of Clinic Services and Certified in Prosthetists, and Orthotists, and managing comprehensive Pedorthic Patient Care.

At Yanke Bionics, their philosophy is that life should be lived to its fullest extent.  It’s about a spirit, a winning life, and accept no limitations.  Their mission is to help patients attain their personal goal.  Whether a prosthetic or orthotic device is needed, Yanke Bionics can help create a customized bionic device that enables patients to enjoy their favorite activities whether it’s walking, running, dancing, playing golf, or climbing mountains ….. even after the patient has lost a limb. Today we will talk with Roger about the services offered at Yanke Bionics and how they can help you achieve your personal goals.

We’d like to remind our listeners that today’s program is also available on our podcast which can be downloaded from the app store on your mobile phone. Look for Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy and you can listen to any of our programs, anytime.

Also, Listen to the Episode on your Favorite Podcast Platform

Tune in to Learn More About the Services Offered at Yanke Bionics:

  • How Yanke Bionics improved lives?

  • How has technology changed in the field in the 40 years you have been doing this?

  • How has the insurance / reimbursement for these types of services been impacted by Medicare and 3rd party insurers?

  • What do you see changing or improving for those with physical challenges in the future?

  • What do you see as the next big health crisis that we may be faced with in the years to come?

  • I know that Yanke Bionics has a fabrication facility that features CAD/CAM manufacturing in Akron.  Can you tell our listeners about that facility and how it improves the services you are able to provide?

  • Where and how can the listeners of this program that need the services of Yanke bionics arrange to be seen?

  • How many locations does Yanke bionics operate in Ohio and what are the normal hours of operation?

Thank you to our guest, Roger Marzano Vice President of Clinic Services and Certified in Prosthetists, Orthotists, and managing comprehensive Pedorthic Patient Care. We would like to remind our listeners, if you suspect you have a medical issue, please contact your healthcare provider. Thanks to our sponsors Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and LIquidations. As always, we thank our listeners for joining us on Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy.

Have a healthy week and we’ll see you again next Friday right here on News Talk 1480 WHBC.

FDA-Approved White’s Premium Vitamins and Supplements


Colon Rectal Cancer Awareness & Benefits of Robotic Surgery
Dr. Chase Beach, General Surgeon at Aultman General Surgery

Robotic Colorectal Surgery is better than Traditional Surgery!

Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy. I’m your pharmacist, Paul White. We’re glad you joined us. Before we begin, I’d like to thank our sponsors, Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and Liquidations.

Today Brad and I are broadcasting from our administrative offices and our guest is Dr. Chase Beach, General Surgeon at Aultman General Surgery.

Aultman general surgery specializes in general surgery with a wide scope of procedures, including the latest in robotic assisted surgeries for the highest level of comprehensive surgical careState of the art treatments include robotic assisted minimally invasive procedures, colon and rectal cancer surgeries, comprehensive breast care, abdominal and gallbladder procedures, and hernia surgeries.  This morning we will talk with Dr. Beach about robotic surgery and other procedures provided by Aultman General Surgery.

We’d like to remind our listeners that today’s program is also available on our podcast.  Look for Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy in your favorite podcast app and please subscribe.

Also, Listen to the Episode on your Favorite Podcast Platform

Colorectal Cancer Symptoms:

  • Constipation

  • Bleeding from the Rectum

  • Blood in the Stool

  • Diarrhea

  • Changes in Stool Color

  • Changes in Stool Shape, such as Constricted Stool

  • Too much Gas

  • Abdominal Cramps

  • Abdominal Pain

Benefits of Robotic Colorectal Surgery

  • Reducing Pain and Trauma

  • Less Bleeding

  • Less Postoperative Suffering

  • Fewer Scars

  • Shorter Clinical Stay

  • Faster Improvement and Return to Work

Tune in to Learn More About the Colorectal Cancer & Benefits of Robotic Surgery and Procedures:

  • What types of procedures do you perform at Aultman?

  • Does colorectal cancer affect a lot of people?

  • What are the common risk factors of colorectal cancer?

  • Does diet impact colorectal health?

  • Does obesity or other health conditions play a role in colorectal health?

  • Is it true that colorectal cancer is the only preventable type of cancer if it is detected early enough?

  • How can colorectal cancer be detected?

  • Should everyone have a colonoscopy?

  • Is robotic-assisted surgery conducive to this type of condition?

  • When it comes to robotic-assisted surgery in general, are there risks, or complications associated with robotic surgery vs. traditional surgery?

  • Do robotics seem to be expanding, and is it the way of the future in surgery?

  • During surgery, where are you positioned in relation to the robot?

  • What other types of surgery can be done robotically?

  • What are some of the differences between robotic and laparoscopic procedures?

Thank you to our guest, Dr. Chase Beach, General Surgeon at Aultman General Surgery. We would like to remind our listeners, if you suspect you have a medical issue, please contact your healthcare provider. Thanks to our sponsors Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, Jenior Appraisals, and Liquidations. As always, we thank our listeners for joining us on Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy.

Have a healthy week and we’ll see you again next Friday right here on News Talk 1480 WHBC.

FDA-Approved White’s Premium Vitamins and Supplements


Fatema MunnyComment
Take Up A Heart Healthy Habit
Take Up A Heart Healthy Habit

How We Keep Our Heart Healthy?

Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy. I’m your pharmacist, Paul White. We’re glad you joined us. Before we begin, I’d like to thank our sponsors, Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and Liquidations.

Today Brad White and I are broadcasting from our administrative offices and our guest is Dr. Ataul Qureshi, Cardiologist at Aultman Deuble Heart & Vascular Hospital, and Cardiovascular Consultants.

February is American Heart Month.  Why do we observe American Heart Month every February? Well, every year more than 600,000 Americans die from heart disease. The number one cause of death for most groups, heart disease affects all ages, genders, and ethnicities. Risk factors include high cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, and excessive alcohol use. This year’s Heart Month theme is Take up a Heart Healthy Habit. You can pick a new heart-healthy habit like jogging or substituting sodas with water and try to stick to it for a whole month.

We would like to challenge you to a very important heart health habit:  Understand your medication and take it as prescribed.  Did you know that nationally only 30% of patients take their blood pressure medications correctly? 

If you struggle with taking your medication correctly, let us help you manage your medication refills and pack them in individual dose packs to help you follow one of the most important health habits – taking your medication correctly! 

We’d like to remind our listeners that today’s program is also available on our podcast which can be downloaded from the app store on your mobile phone. Look for Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy and you can listen to any of our programs, anytime.

Also, Listen to the Episode on your Favorite Podcast Platform


How to maintain a healthy heart habits?

  • Eat Healthy Foods

  • Maintain a Healthy Weight

  • Completely Quit Smoking

  • Stay Away from Secondhand Smoke

  • Control Cholesterol and Blood Pressure

  • Drink Alcohol in Moderation

  • Manage Stress

  • Get Physically Active

  • Taking Medicine to Lower the Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke

Tune in to Learn More About the Heart Healthy Habit:

  • What is congestive heart failure?

  • What are some common conditions that lead to heart failure?

  • Who is typically at risk for heart failure?

  • Are there measures people can take to prevent heart failure and cardiac disease in general?

  • What are the common signs of heart failure and are they the same for men and women?

  • Is it more common for women to overlook symptoms than men?

  • What happens if a pregnant woman has hypertension?

  • How does smoking lead to heart failure?

  • Does vaping have the same effects as cigarettes?

  • What about those affected by secondhand smoke?  Do these people commonly have issues?

  • What are some of the latest developments in heart failure diagnosis and treatment?

  • Which developments have had the most impact on the patients?

Thank you to our guest, Dr. Ataul Qureshi, Cardiologist at Aultman Deuble Heart & Vascular Hospital, and Cardiovascular Consultants. We would like to remind our listeners if you suspect you have a medical issue, please contact your healthcare provider. Thanks to our sponsors Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and LIquidations. As always, we thank our listeners for joining us on Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy.

Have a healthy week and we’ll see you again next Friday right here on News Talk 1480 WHBC.

FDA-Approved White’s Premium Vitamins and Supplements


Top 10 Tips for Healthy Living and Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Living & Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy. I’m your pharmacist, Paul White. We’re glad you joined us. Before we begin, I’d like to thank our sponsors, Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and Liquidations. Today Brad and I are broadcasting from our administrative offices.  Today our show is all about you. We have an exciting new program to share with our listeners today, as well as responses to questions our friends and neighbors posted on our Facebook pages.

It’s hard to consider a “Top 10” list and not think of David Letterman. Did you know his first “Top 10 list” was on his show on September 18, 1985, that very first top 10 list was “The top ten words that almost rhyme with peas.” There is of course a top ten list of David Letterman’s best top 10 lists which include favorites like “the Top 10 ways the country would be different if Britney Spears was president.”

Today we are going to talk about our Top 10 tips to help each of you stay healthy, live your best life, and accomplish all those things that bring you joy. I’m not sure our list would have ever made it to the David Letterman show, but we know we can help you save money and be healthy.

We’d like to remind our listeners that today’s program is also available on our podcast in your favorite podcast app. Look for Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy and please subscribe!

Also, Listen to the Episode on your Favorite Podcast Platform

Tune in to learn more about healthy living & maintaining a healthy lifestyle:

  • Why need to know your pharmacist and use a local pharmacy?

  • What is “PA” or Prior Authorization in Medications?

  • What are some tips for good sleep hygiene?

  • If a prescription had expired, how anyone gets a refill without a new prescription?

  • How can we help if the patient gets frustrated because they want to go on vacation but it isn’t time to pick up their refills?

  • What are the recommended supplements for healthy living and lifestyle?

  • If you have diabetes, why diabetes screenings are so important, and how to get one?

  • Why do you need to Stay Current on Immunizations?

  • Why do you need to understand your medication, what it is for, how to use it, and if there are any special directions?

The top 10 tips for healthy living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle:

  • Tip #1 – Know your pharmacist and use a local pharmacy.

  • Tip #2 – Ask your pharmacist for the lowest price on your prescriptions.

  • Tip #3 – If you have diabetes – test regularly!  Over 11% of the population has diabetes and it can be expensive to treat and manage.

  • Tip #4 – Pay attention to your sleep and aim for the recommended 7 hours of sleep per night.

  • Tip #5 Stay current on your immunizations.

  • Tip #6 – Support your immune system. 

  • Tip #7 – Follow your doctor’s directions especially as they relate to taking your medication.

  • Tip #8 – Manage your chronic conditions. 

  • Tip #9 Education! Make sure you understand your medication.

  • Tip #10 – Enjoy life!

Thank you for listening today! We hope you will check out our new Medicine Center Pharmacy Drug Savings Program and let us help you save money. We would like to remind our listeners if you suspect you have a medical issue, please contact your healthcare provider. Thanks to our sponsors Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and LIquidations. As always, we thank our listeners for joining us on Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy.

Have a healthy week and we’ll see you again next Friday right here on News Talk 1480 WHBC.

FDA-Approved White’s Premium Vitamins and Supplements


Easy Way To Save Money At Local Medicine Center Pharmacy, Discount Program & Compounding Questions Answered

Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy. I’m your pharmacist, Paul White. We’re glad you joined us. Before we begin, I’d like to thank our sponsors, Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and Liquidations. Today, pharmacist Brad White and I are broadcasting from our administrative offices. Today our show is all about you. We have an exciting new program to share with our listeners today, as well as responses to questions our friends and neighbors
posted on our Facebook pages.

After all, who doesn’t want to save money on prescriptions? If you have used SingleCare or Good Rx to help save money on prescriptions, you know it isn’t always easy. You have to go to their website, print a coupon or save it on your phone to show your pharmacist. Or maybe you can join their program and “save even more.”

Wouldn’t it be nice to simply trust your pharmacist to offer you the lowest price available? Today we would like to introduce a simple, easy way to save money at your local Medicine Center Pharmacy. You don’t have to spend time visiting a website, waste time and money printing coupons, and hope the pharmacy you use will accept them. You simply talk to one of our friendly staff members and ask if there is a better price…… it’s that easy! The Health Matters Drug Savings Program.

Today, 66% of the US population takes one or more prescription medications and among that group of the population, on average they take four prescriptions a day. It is a sad statistic to share, but 30% of Americans have skipped a medication or refill because it is too expensive. If a patient has a co-pay for their medication, especially a generic, oftentimes we find they are paying 100% of the expense of the medication and their insurance isn’t paying anything at all. Those are the medications where patients may have the best chance of paying less if they ask for our cash price.

You might be surprised to learn that most insurance companies are encouraging their members to look for the lowest price.  Some even allow members to turn in their receipts for reimbursement.  We encourage patients to check with their insurance company and see if they will reimburse for cash prescriptions and apply them to any deductible if allowed.

Example of some of the potential savings at Medicine Center Pharmacy:

If we have diabetes, we may be on Metformin 1000 mg. A common co-pay for a 30-day supply is $5.75. We are offering a 90-day supply for $10.00. So, instead of paying $5.75 for 3 months, a total of $17.25 – you can simply pay $10.00 for a 90-day supply and save $7.25 in addition to saving two trips to the pharmacy.

Atorvastatin is another common medication. An average co-pay for a 30-day supply is $9.00. We are offering a 90-day supply of Atorvastatin for $10.00. So, instead of paying a total of $27.00 for a 3-month supply, you can simply pay $10.00, save $17.00, and two trips to the pharmacy. Customers need to talk to a staff member at Medicine Center Pharmacy and ask for a price quote; it’s that easy!

Over 150 of the most common generic medications prescribed are included in this list.  There are medications in all major disease state categories including allergies, diabetes, gastrointestinal, men’s and women’s health, etc.

We hope that every customer will take a moment to talk with one of our pharmacists and feel comfortable asking for the best price on any medication they are prescribed. We may not be able to provide a lower price on every medication, but we are happy to help.

Not only do not have to pay a monthly fee at Medicine Center Pharmacy but also don’t have to pay an annual Prime Fee to even be eligible to get the lowest prices!  But I am happy to remind our listeners that like Amazon Prime, we do deliver for free within a radius of each of our stores!

The high deductible plans were created with the intent of making consumers more cost-conscious about health care because they are paying more out of pocket than in traditional health plans. In our marketplace, the average deductible is approaching $3,000.00. In addition to low-priced prescriptions, we offer low-cost health screenings including A1C, Vitamin D, Thyroid TSH, Lipid profiles, and covid tests. We even offer free blood pressure checks to every customer who asks. Please check out the full list of services we offer on our website:

The patient has the right to choose. Any patient that is concerned about their medication expenses are invited to participate in this program and simply has to ask the pharmacy for the cash price.

In some cases, if a Medicare patient has a deductible and they pay cash for a prescription, it may not apply towards meeting their deductible. However, consider that most drugs on this list are only $10 for a 90-day supply and due to the low dollar amount, the patient may not be concerned that it did not apply toward their deductible.

That is a really good point. It is important for patients to have all of their medications at one pharmacy for many reasons. First, so there is a complete record of all their medications to check for interactions, but the second and equally important reason is to have a personal relationship with their pharmacist - a trusted healthcare professional.

It is also why we work hard to offer a complete and comprehensive review of all of your medications to help you maximize your savings while simplifying your life.

We are happy to share that our compound lab in New Philadelphia recently passed a rigorous re-credentialing process to remain an accredited compounding lab.

All our programs are available on our podcast in your favorite podcast app. Look for Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy and please subscribe!

Also, Listen to the Episode on your Favorite Podcast Platform

Tune in to Learn About the Potential Savings, Medication Discount Program and Compounding Questions Answered:

  • Example of some of the potential savings?

  • Do customers need to present a coupon or a savings card to get these prices?

  • Are there a lot of medications on our Drug Savings Program?

  • What if someone looks at our list and their medication is not on the list?

  • What about our friends on Medicare?  Can Medicare patients participate in our Drug Savings Program?

  • What about diabetes testing supplies?

  • What compounding is and provide some examples?

  • How is a compounding pharmacy monitored and how can our patients be confident in the products that Medicine Center Pharmacy is compounding and dispensing?

  • How does compounding benefit a patient?

  • What exactly does the term “Bioidentical Hormone” means?

  • Is hormone replacement therapy only for women?

  • How can a patient know if their doctor or prescriber is aware of compounding?

  • How can anyone reach out to Medicine Center Pharmacy Drug Savings Program or Compounding Service?

Thanks to our sponsors Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and LIquidations. As always, we thank our listeners for joining us on Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy.

Have a healthy week and we’ll see you again next Friday right here on News Talk 1480 WHBC.

FDA-Approved White’s Premium Vitamins and Supplements


Critical Need for Blood Donations, Processes & Safety Precautions

Positive Impact Donating Blood Has On People’s Lives

Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy. I’m pharmacist, Paul White. We’re glad you joined us. Before we begin, I’d like to thank our sponsors, Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and Liquidations. Today Brad White and I are broadcasting from our administrative offices and our guests are Allyson Blake from Aultman Laboratory Services at the Canton Campus and Lori Leonard, Injury Prevention and Outreach Coordinator for Aultman Trauma Services

Many people believe that most blood is needed after major disasters. However, daily personal emergencies and the ongoing medical needs of thousands of patients require a constant and ready blood supply. It’s the blood already on hospital shelves that saves lives.  Today there is a critical need for blood donations and we would like to dedicate our show to sharing information about blood donations.

When you donate blood, you’re part of something bigger than yourself. It is a simple act and the ultimate pay-it-forward moment.  Please enjoy our show today as we talk with Allyson and Lori about the process of donating blood, the safety precautions in place and the positive impact donating blood has on people’s lives. We understand there is a critical need for blood across the nation. What does that mean and how many people need some type of blood product in the United States?

Every day in the U.S., patients in hospitals, surgical centers, and emergency treatment facilities need approximately:

  • 36,000 units of red blood cells

  • 7,000 units of platelets

  • 10,000 units of plasma

We’d like to remind our listeners that today’s program is also available on our podcast which can be downloaded from the app store on your mobile phone. Look for Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy in your favorite podcast app and please subscribe.

Also, Listen to the Episode on your Favorite Podcast Platform

Tune in to Learn About the Blood Donations, Processes & Safety Precautions

  • How many products do people receive or have transfused each year?

  • What blood type do hospitals most request and why?

  • How many people in our population actually have O-negative and O-positive blood types?

  • Why is blood donation critical to saving lives?

  • Is donated blood used whole for everyone? What are the components of blood?

  • What red blood cells are and what do they do in our bodies?

  • How are donated red blood cells used for patients who need them?

  • How platelets are important for recipients?

  • What types of patients receive platelets?

  • What is plasma and how is it used to treat patients?

  • What is cryoprecipitate and how is it used for treatment?

  • What do white blood cells do in our bodies?

  • What are granulocytes?

  • Who benefits from receiving blood transfusions or infusions of the components of blood?

  • Why is there a shortage of blood?

  • How have hospitals responded to the blood shortages?

  • Where can our listeners donate blood?

  • How do we find a local blood drive?

  • Can you explain the donation process and how much time someone should allow donating?

  • How often can a person donate blood?

  • What happens to the blood after donation?

  • How do you know that blood is safe for a recipient?

  • How long can donated blood be stored for future use?

Thank you to our guests, Allyson Blake from Aultman Laboratory Services at the Canton Campus and Lori Leonard, Injury Prevention and Outreach Coordinator for Aultman Trauma Services. We would like to remind our listeners if you suspect you have a medical issue, please contact your healthcare provider.

Thanks to our sponsors Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and LIquidations. As always, we thank our listeners for joining us on Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy.

Have a healthy week and we’ll see you again next Friday right here on News Talk 1480 WHBC.

FDA-Approved White’s Premium Vitamins and Supplements


The Risk Factors, Diagnosis and Treatment of Memory Loss & Alzheimer's Diseases

In this weekly podcast episode, We will talk with Dr. Drake and learn about the Causes, Risk factors for Alzheimer’s, along with Diagnosis and Treatment. 

Risk Factors for Memory Loss Alzheimer's Disease, Diagnosis & Treatment

Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy. I’m Pharmacist, Paul White. We’re glad you joined us. Before we begin, I’d like to thank our sponsors, Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and Liquidations. Today Brad White and Paul White are broadcasting from our administrative offices and our guest is, Dr. Ryan Drake, Neurologist at Neurocare Center and Principal Investigator at Neuroscience Research Center. Dr. Drake is board certified in neurology, neuromuscular medicine, and electrodiagnostic medicine.

Early intervention is critical so it is important that we learn how to recognize signs and symptoms that we should bring to our doctor’s attention.

Dementia is a general term for memory loss and other cognitive abilities serious enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer's disease accounts for 60-80% of dementia cases and today more than 6 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s kills more than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined, with deaths from Alzheimer’s increasing 145% since the year 2000. While Alzheimer’s is a familiar term, more than 80% of Americans know little about or are not familiar with mild cognitive impairment, which can be an early stage of Alzheimer’s.

We’d like to remind our listeners that today’s program is also available on our podcast which can be downloaded from the app store on your mobile phone. Look for Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy and you can listen to any of our programs, anytime.

Also, Listen to the Episode on your Favorite Podcast Platform

Tune in to Learn About The Risk Factors, Diagnosis & Treatment of Memory Loss & Alzheimer's Diseases

  • What is Alzheimer’s disease and how is it different from dementia?

  • What causes Alzheimer’s disease?

  • Are there stages of Alzheimer’s disease?

  • How to do diagnose Alzheimer’s or other memory disorders?

  • How many people have Alzheimer’s in our community?

  • How does that compare to other diseases?

  • What are the risk factors for Alzheimer’s?

  • Is there anything we can do to prevent Alzheimer’s?

  • What types of patients are enrolling in Alzheimer’s clinical trials?

  • How long are clinical trials for Alzheimer’s?

  • Are there any specific requirements for an Alzheimer’s trial?

  • What does the future hold for Alzheimer’s research?

Thank you to our guest, Dr. Ryan Drake, Neurologist at Neurocare Center and Principal Investigator at Neuroscience Research Center. We’d like to remind our listeners if you suspect you have a medical issue, please contact your healthcare provider. Thanks to our sponsors Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and LIquidations. As always, we thank our listeners for joining us on Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy.

Have a healthy week and we’ll see you again next Friday right here on News Talk 1480 WHBC.

FDA-Approved White’s Premium Vitamins and Supplements


The Triple Threat - Current Illness Levels In Our Communities, Vaccines & Prevention Measures

How General People are Staying Healthy?

Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy. I’m your pharmacist, Paul White. We’re glad you joined us. Before we begin, I’d like to thank our sponsors, Aultman Health System, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and Liquidations. Today Brad and I are broadcasting from our administrative offices and our guest is James M. Adams, The Health Commissioner for Canton City Public Health.

If you have been watching or listening to the news lately, concerns of a “tripledemic” have been frequent headlines. There’s no scientific definition for this term; it simply refers to a collision of RSV, influenza, and COVID-19 to the extent that it might overwhelm hospital emergency departments. Listening to customers visiting our pharmacies there clearly is a high level of illness of all varieties in our communities. Today we will talk with Jim Adams about current illness levels in our communities, vaccines, preventative measures, and in general, staying healthy!

We’d like to remind our listeners that today’s program is also available on our podcast which can be downloaded from the app store on your mobile phone. Look for Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy and you can listen to any of our programs, anytime.

Also, Listen to the Episode on your Favorite Podcast Platform

Tune in to Learn More About How General People are Staying Healthy?

  • How the community is currently faring and is anything new with respect to COVID?

  • What symptoms might lead you to consider COVID?

  • Where can our listeners get free COVID tests to have if needed?

  • What are the recommendations for listeners who recently had COVID and are considering a booster?

  • What symptoms are different between Influenza and COVID?

  • If someone takes a COVID test and it is negative, should they assume influenza, and what should their next step be?

  • Which might be fueling the higher rate of infection this flu season?

  • What are the current recommendations for staying home to stop the spread?

  • What is RSV and is it circulating in our community?

  • What symptoms might present for RSV and when should parents or grandparents seek help from their pediatrician?

  • What recommendations do you have to keep our children healthy?

  • Why are we seeing a resurgence of some diseases like measles and polio that most of us considered a disease of the past?

  • What message would like to share with our listeners regarding the safety and necessity of staying current with immunizations?

Thank you to our guest, Jim Adams, Health Commissioner for Canton City Public Health.  We’d like to remind our listeners, if you suspect you have a medical issue, please contact your health care provider. Thanks to our sponsors Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and LIquidations. As always, we thank our listeners for joining us on Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy.

Have a healthy week and we’ll see you again next Friday right here on News Talk 1480 WHBC.

FDA-Approved White’s Premium Vitamins and Supplements


A Compassionate Journey of A Hospice Chaplain

Discuss a Compassionate Journey and Share Insight

Welcome to Health Matters Weekly Podcast Episode with the Medicine Center Pharmacy. I’m your pharmacist, Paul White. We’re glad you joined us. Before we begin, I’d like to thank our sponsors, Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and Liquidations.

Today in the studio with me is Brad White, a compounding pharmacist and Executive Vice President of our Pharmacies.  Our guest is Chaplain Terry Livengood with Aultman Health Systems.

Chaplain Terry has completed his Clinical Pastor Education at St Vincent Charity Hospital in Cleveland. His Master of Theology is at Walsh University and he is a Certified Thanatologist. In this episode, Chaplain Terry is with us to discuss a compassionate journey and share his insight for those of us who are either faced with the journey ourselves or are journeying with a friend or loved one.

People who are suffering or nearing the end of life often have spiritual needs as compelling as their physical concerns.  That person might find peace by resolving unsettled issues with friends or family.  They might appreciate and find comfort in visits from social workers or counselors.  Many people find solace in their faith.  In addition, the friends and family members of the person who is suffering often find themselves wondering what to do, and how to help while also coping with their own feelings. 

We’d like to remind our listeners that today’s program is also available on our podcast which can be downloaded from the app store on your mobile phone. Look for Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy and you can listen to any of our programs, anytime.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Stitcher, Amazon Music, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Thank you to our guest, Terry Livengood, Hospice Chaplain with Aultman Health Systems. We’d like to remind our listeners if you suspect you have a medical issue, please contact your healthcare provider. Thanks to our sponsors Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass, and Jenior Appraisals and LIquidations. As always, we thank our listeners for joining us on Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy.

Have a healthy week and we’ll see you again next Friday right here on News Talk 1480 WHBC.

FDA-Approved White’s Premium Vitamins and Supplements