Medicine Center Pharmacy is a full-service pharmacy for both traditional and compounded prescriptions.
Our convenient neighborhood locations in Canton, Louisville, Minerva and New Philadelphia are focused on the health needs of each community. Our staff is dedicated to excellent customer service and keeping our patients informed and healthy. Each of our pharmacists takes the time to counsel customers regarding potential drug interactions, possible side effects, nutritional, and environmental factors to consider with each medication.
Each pharmacy hosts monthly low-cost health screenings and blood pressure checks. Additionally, each pharmacy offers delivery as well as a kids vitamin program for children in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade.
Medicine Center Pharmacy stores are located throughout northeast Ohio. The Medicine Center Pharmacy Company has grown from one location and one part-time employee in 1976 to multiple pharmacies with approximately 75 employees today.
Medicine Center Pharmacy, Canton, Ohio (est. 1976)
Medicine Center Pharmacy, Louisville, Ohio (est. 1988)
Medicine Center Pharmacy, Minerva, Ohio (est. 1992)
Medicine Center Pharmacy, New Philadelphia, Ohio (est. 1994)
Medicine Center Institutional Pharmacy, Louisville, Ohio (est. 2008) Servicing Group Homes, Assisted Living Facilities, Senior Living Facilities, Correctional Facilities, and Long Term Care Facilities.
The company was founded by Paul & Susan White, opening the first Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy Franchise in 1976. The pharmacies were renamed Medicine Center Pharmacy when the franchise agreement ended to make room for additional product and service offerings. Drive up windows and home delivery are available for your convenience.
Do you have a hard time managing your prescription medication? We have you covered. Each patient is assigned a health coach to help you manage your medications. Our technicians and pharmacists are trained to demonstrate blood glucose monitors, blood pressure monitors, and medical equipment like canes, walkers, compression hosiery, wound care, and Ostomy supplies. Our pharmacists provide medication therapy management and medication reviews to counsel patients and caregivers about their prescription medications, answer vaccine questions, and provide health care guidance.
We offer home delivery* and from our New Philadelphia Medicine Center we are able to prepare custom patient specific compounded medications in our PCAB Accredited Non-Sterile Compounding pharmacy lab.
For more information, call 330.454.8772.
Charity Requests
Medicine Center Pharmacy is dedicated to giving back to the community by supporting its many organizations and causes. Over the past 43 years, the Medicine Center Pharmacy has contributed back into our community through programs such as local schools and PTO programs, Little League and soccer programs, Rotary Club, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, American Cancer Society, Aultman Women’s Board and more.
In order for us to focus our resources and maximize our impact on the community, please help us by submitting this form with any requests for donations or sponsorships.