Talk First Stark - It Starts with You
This installment of Health Matters will talk with our friends from the Great Start for Great Futures Coalition about each of our roles in helping the children of Stark County realize their potential for a Great Future. We welcome Jen Griffing and Krista Allison to share their passion and vision for the youth in our community.
Talk First Stark - is a Stark County strategy geared towards families with children from prenatal to age 3. The initiative promotes the importance of language nutrition as the foundation for healthy growth during this critical time in a child's brain development. Progress made during the first 5 years of a child’s life is extremely predictive of future school successes and struggles. Kindergarten readiness predicts 3rd grade reading achievement, which predicts 8th grade math achievement, which predicts high school graduation, which predicts postsecondary attainment.
For more information about Talk First Stark visit
Health Matters is a weekly radio show sponsored by the Medicine Center Pharmacy on WHBC 1480 AM in Canton, Ohio. This episode pharmacists Brad White and Paul White discuss Remote Learning , Language, Literacy and Health and Wellbeing for the entire family.